Have you ever thought what happens to old Police weapons when they are replaced by newer ones. Are they reworked, even sold to pistol sportsmen or to police forces of other countries? Not anymore! Due to the many problems with weapons being stolen or resold illegally, German police is not selling their retired weapons to anyone. Instead, they are sent back to the maker for recycling. In 2018, the Police of Lower Saxony in Germany had the idea to show their support for non-proliferation of firearms and a weaponless peaceful society. They thought, nothing can be better than following the reference of the bible which says: “... they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks....” [ Isaiah 2:4 ]. The idea was born to adjust this quote to modern times, producing a symbolic fountain pen from the metal parts of the retired weapons. When they contacted the German producer of silver fountain pens, Waldmann Pens in Pforzheim about this idea,