Now what is hiding in there ? Hmmmm? Came from Germany and arrived in Japan some days ago - an early Christmas present?? Let's have a look (click on a photo to see it larger). white and black Aha, not only Pilot has its 100th anniversary this year. Like a mirror a wooden box OK OK, I admit, I bought the 100th anniversary fountain pen of Waldmann (Germany) - I just couldn't resist. Some details: the ink The ink And here it is: The pen! I wanted to make some photos as long as it is in pristine condition. Silver is extremely sensitive, use it once and it has micro-scratches. The advantage of silver is that in summer it feels cool and in winter it feels warm. This will be no collection pen - it will be used and soon it will have many scratches. Tant pis! A fountain pen is made for writing. The Waldmann anniversary pen - I am now the owner of 66g silver. A comparison with the LE's sibling - the Waldmann Manager (up