Scriptorium Pens (owner and pen turner: Renee Meeks) If you want to get some nice pens in wood, ebonite or acrylics, have a look at Scriptorium Pens ' offers - either Scriptorium Pen own models or custom models (your ideas, discussed with and brought to life by Renee). from left to right 1. Idyll in Japanese autumn acrylics; Jowo #6 2. Custom pen design in "Tie Dye" acrylics; Bock #8, Titanium 3. Churchillized Epic in Illuminated Amber Tortoise (Acrylics); Jowo #8, Pendleton's Butterline Stub 4. Custom design in Snakewood wood; Jowo #6 EF-CI) (CI grind by @nibgrinder ) 5. Custom design in Amboyna wood, Jowo #6, semiflex 6. Base pen is ebonite, aftermod midori tamenuri; Bock #8 CSI (CSI grind by @nibgrinder ) - this black has a green aura, difficult to see - I will try to show it in a separate post - you can see the green at the threads. 7. Custom design in Camatillo wood, Bock #6 in Pt950, XXF grind by fpnibs - see 2 pictures below (these two pictures are copyright S