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Waldmann's Ultra-Rare Fountain Pens

(The photos in this blog post are copyright Waldmann Pens and are used with permission.)

Waldmann's Ultra-Rare Fountain Pens

There are two possibilities for you to become the owner of one of the ultra-rare Waldmann fountain pens.

1) You can order a customized pen - a pen just for you.

Waldmann Pens has a "Private Label" customization program. They produce a pen according your wishes, either a modified production pen or a pen entirely new, born in collaboration between you and Waldmann Pens. 

2) Or you get a limited edition. Since a few days, two small-run limited editions are available from Waldmann Pens.

The pens are made in collaboration with Sekre International GmbH in Germany. To read the stories behind the pens, see the pamphlets, download links below the pictures of the pens. 

If you are interested in these pens, see the Waldmann Pen homepage or contact Waldmann by email.

PRIVATE EYE OF BAKER STREET, a limited edition of 23 fountain pens.

Download pamphlet.

DAME OF SWAN COURT, a limited edition of 38 fountain pens.

Download pamphlet.

The pens

Length closed: 144 mm

Length uncapped: 103 mm

Diameter: 14 mm (barrel), 16.9 mm (cap)

Weight: 77 g

Nib: 18k gold nibs, available as EF, F, M, and B in standard grinds. Stub, italic, oblique, and architect grinds are also available if the buyer requests such a grind, included in the price.

The caps have a 0.11 carat River diamond as cabuchon. River is an old grade name, meaning very high quality diamonds. Today's characterization for this quality would be grade E or F. There is only one grade which would top the River grade.

What comes with the pens: virtual unpacking

The outer box
Opening showing the walnut box, stained in dark.
This wooden box is hand-made by Dahlinger from Germany.

The opened box shows the writing sample of Conan-Doyle, the pen and the ink bottle.
Documents which come with the pen are in a hand-made document folder.

Here's the ink, blue in the case of Conan Doyle and purple in the case of Agatha Christie. 

Now you are ready to write !

However, I wonder if any of these pens will ever see ink. I am sure they will be snatched up quickly by collectors and stored away for the future. An ink-less life, what a pity that would be. Also such pens are made for writing. If I were a rich man, I could imagine me having one pen for blue ink and the second one for red ink.


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